Listen audio from over 3,300 police scanners, weather radios, radio repeaters from around (primarily United States though, being added daily).
- Add scanners most Favorites list access.
- View scanners located nearest you, sorted, on "Near Me"
- View 50 scanners listeners (updated every 5 minutes).
- View list added most recently (new additions added all ).
- Browse feeds genre (public safety, weather, railroad, etc).
- Configure alerts notify lots scanner (indicating big may be happening).
- Add Scanner Radio Scanner Radio Pro v3.8.5 and/or shortcuts phone's home screen access.
- Add a "Scanner Radio Favorite" shortcut home screen a scanner feed via clock app app.
- Allows listen audio (from 30 days) if a Premium Subscription. Their premium subscription is $15 months, without be able their audio archives using .
In addition above Scanner Radio Pro v3.8.5, get Scanner Radio Pro v3.8.5 Scanner Radio Pro v3.8.5 app:
- .
- Allows specify what times listener alerts.
- Allows setup listener alerts located near you.
- button top directory screens .
- Acts Tasker Plug-in, allows launch one Favorites automatically begin playing based conditions stop playing. One use feature scanner feed begin playing when connects specific Bluetooth device stop when Bluetooth device longer present.
using real scanner radios. If available, see app .
What's Scanner Radio Pro v3.8.5 : (Updated : Oct 31, 2012)
Scanner Radio Pro v3.8.5 a problem app alerts when connectivity restored if connectivity wasn't present time (problem was particularly noticeable when using JuiceDefender).
Added some helpful pop-up messages diagnostics screen ( displayed when certain conditions).
Added Diagnostics menu choice directory screens.
Scanner Radio Pro v3.8.5 a couple scenarios (see Change Log).
Download : Scanner Radio Pro v3.8.5: