Root Android Tweaker (PRO) v3.0.1: 4.0
Root Android Tweaker (PRO) v3.0.1: From ROM: Jellybam, happy Android Tweaker!
Obviously, t requires root permissions properly!
With t app add several tweaks Android OS,, Android tweaker devices, kernel, Android Root Android Tweaker (PRO) v3.0.1s (Gingerbread, Ice Cream Sandwitch ) ROM (CyanogenMod, MIUI, AOKP, JellyBam etc).
Among Root Android Tweaker (PRO) v3.0.1, emphasize !, Android Tweaker, contains servers than 80 countries all 5 continents;
Also, , 3G signals, set dns allow re-enable all actually locked country!, more!
Beautiful interface allows enable various mods through tabs: performance, battery, network, audio, images, gps, kernel, tools .
What's Root Android Tweaker (PRO) v3.0.1:
* Ad-Free
* Au tuning ( choose between: Battery profile, Balanced profile, Performance profile). T touch, battery, kernel tab! other configs like GPS, Images tweaks
* VirtualMemory management scripts
* LTE, EVDO_B, HSPA tweaks
* IPV4 tune mods
* Bravia engine v2
* Audio quality hacks
* Kernel optimizations tweaks
* Super Zipalign Defrag
* Loopy smoothness
* Init.d install devices/kernels
Possible BUGs Root Android Tweaker (PRO) v3.0.1:
* au (NOT EVERY TIME). Manual reboot ! (Looking in issue)
* lot faster checkbox (T normal since every time a checkbox, itself ecex action device!) - Avoid waiting 2/3 secs between checking
Among "Work" add soon a new tab camera new tweaks already our hands!
Be ready lot Root Android Tweaker (PRO) v3.0.1 !
What's Root Android Tweaker (PRO) v3.0.1:
* Root Android Tweaker (PRO) v3.0.1 typo
* Added french translation
Download : Root Android Tweaker (PRO) v3.0.1: